A Basket of Poses is a series of short satirical poems by noted journalist and parodist George Shepard Chappell (1877-1946). Each poem is here accompanied by an equally humorous black ink illustration by Rockwell Kent (1882-1971), who has chosen to have his work on this book attributed to the fictional “Hogarth, Jr.” It is a fun, sweet, and irreverent collection.
- Title: A Basket of Poses
- Author: George S. Chappell
- Illustrator: Hogarth, Jr. (Rockwell Kent)
- Publisher: Albert & Charles Boni
- Place: New York
- Year: 1924
- Length: 109pp
- Format: Quarto
- Dimensions: 75” x 10.25” x 0.63”
- Condition: The boards covered in marbled, wine-colored paper are in good condition—somewhat faded from light exposure, worn and fraying at the corners, and with a portion of the paper title pasted on the spine having chipped off. The binding is tight. No pages are missing. The pages are clean—no folds, tears, or extraneous marks.