We present the hard-to-find Emily Dickinson Tarot Deck by Factory Hollow Press, based in North Amherst, MA. Each suit features original work by a different artist and comes in a cloth bag. About the contributors:
Phoebe Harris (swords) is an illustrator living and working in Northampton, Massachusetts.
Emily Pettit (pentacles) lives in Northampton, Massachusetts where she edits for Factory Hollow Press; her book, Goat In The Snow, comes from Birds, LLC.
Bianca Stone (wands) is a poet and artist who lives in Brooklyn.
Halie Theoharides (major arcana) lives in Western Massachusetts and studies poetry, wildlife, and other mysteries; her favorite insects are dragonflies and damselflies.
Haley Rene Thompson (cups) is a maker who studies poetry in the MFA for Poets and Writers University of Massachusetts Amherst; she lives above a suspect antique shop in Northampton, Massachusetts (of both she is fond).
The photo shown here comes from the Factory Hollow website listing.