In 1952 Ben Shahn said to Marian Parry, Marian, make the most beautiful book you can and I'll take it to Curt Valentin. She made THE PARIS BOOK, which she had conceived of sometime prior to this prompting, and as promised, the book was presented to Curt Valentin who was moved to publish it. Mr. Valentin, who had published several significant, limited edition books in which the writings of poets and novelists were accompanied by illustrations made by contemporary artists, passed away the following year and THE PARIS BOOK was never published. Un-Gyve presented this most beautiful book of watercolours in their exquisite detail exactly as was intended in a limited edition of 333 signed by the artist and now makes it available in this unlimited softcover. THE PARIS BOOK represents Marian Parry's affinity for the city in which she spent the first years of childhood: twenty extraordinary illustrations accompanied by her own hand-lettered prose—the story of an odd bird and his discovery of Paris.
- Title: The Paris Book
- Author: Marian Parry
- Publisher: Un-Gyve Press
- Place: Boston
- Year: 2015
- ISBN: 978-0-9829198-5-9
- LCCN: 2013958348
- Paperback
- Length: 22 pages
- Dimensions: 0.2" x 5.4" x 7.8"
- Language: English