“This brief history of the world’s greatest war was prepared upon the suggestion of the National Board for Historical Service. Its purpose is to expand into an historical narrative the outline of the study of the war which the authors prepared for the Board and which was published by the United States Bureau of Education as Teachers’ Leaflet No. 4 in August 1918. The arrangement of chapters and the choice of topics have been largely determined by the various headings in the outline for the course in grades seven and eight.
The authors trust that the simple presentation here given may aid in developing a national comprehension of the issues involved in the war; and they hope it may play some part in preparing the American people for the solution of the great problems which lie immediately before us.” (the Preface)
- Title: The World War: A School History of the Great War
- Author: Albert E. McKinley, Charles A. Coulomb, and Armand J. Gerson
- Publisher: American Book Company
- Place: New York
- Year: 1919
- Length: 192pp
- Dimensions: 75” x 6.75” x 0.5”
- Condition: Original cloth backed cover with black titles and soldier illustration. A significant amount of wear and fraying to the edges of the cover. Binding complete but slightly loose. No missing pages. Pages clean and lightly toned. No folds or marginalia. A chunk of the back endpapers is missing.